Friday, February 4, 2011

Busy, busy, busy.

First, an apology for no new posts in quite a few days; I've been oh, so busy. So a quick run down of this week:

Monday: Part 1 of driving test.
Tuesday: Part 2 of driving test (PASSED!!!) and vball practice where I was officially named libero.
Wednesday: Homework.
Thursday: I managed to get everything done (minus Debate, but I've got a deal with him that won't ruin my grade)

Today: Medical Profession Exploration thingy at WSU. I played with a dead body. I touched a brain. It was amazing!!!! Plus we got cool information on other fields and I even met an old friend during lunch. The most canivial part is that Mrs. Harlan is going to email a neurologist she knows to see what job-shadowing/internship positions he can get me that will help me with my neurology, psychology, or pediatric career. I about hugged her when she told me that; the help I've been looking for has finally shown itself.

Other than that this is going to be a quick post because I'm going to go make myself a salad and then get to bed. It's our first v-ball tournament tomorrow and I am about to explode with excitement. Pictures and news will come later!

Oh, and want to know something? In three days, I will be sixteen and have my license.

Yeah, baby!! :)

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