Monday, January 24, 2011


'It was nothing to the countless others who had overlooked it, but to her, it was proof that new beginnings could be that good.'

Ah, this is my first time posting in a blog. Ever. And only because I'm using every excuse I can not to do my monstrous pile of homework due this week. Just remember, procrastination only sours - no matter how sweet it tastes in the beginning.

Anyways, this is going to be the place where I express a few thoughts, events, and most of all, my photography. Maybe a little of my writing (just one liners before each post though - wouldn't want to bore you.) Nothing simple or anything - at least I'll try not to. I dislike those who just blah, blah, blah on and on about drama I'm never going to have a chance to throw a punch in.

Well, bonjour. Say hello, if that's even possible (I might be growing up in the technological age, but that doesn't mean I know how to work blogs.) I hope you enjoy myself, my musings, and my works.

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