Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My, oh my! :)

'Reality can lay a soft finger on even the slipperiest of insanities.'

It's been crazy around here lately; prom, volleyball, license, new car, everything really! So I'll just give a little bit of a run down and post the most recent pictures (minus the prom ones - I don't have the CD yet, but once I do, I will have them all up, promise! :)

Prom was amazing! I can honestly say that I had the best time of my life with Jordan, Tawnie, Cory, and all the others! Jordan's fantastic aunt, Carina, photographed the four of us for prom and did a SPECTACULAR job. She's an absolutely wonderful photographer and I hope to get to know her even better! Everyone looked spiffy (especially Jordan in his cute little tux! (: ) and the dance was actually fun also. It has me excited for MORP coming up in two weeks or so. (The theme is 'Blast from the Past' - can you say flapper girl?!) Pictures coming soon!

Other than that, I now have my own car and am in love with it, formally known as Bugsy Malone. It's a '92 Chrysler New Yorker, white on the outside and red plush on the inside. My name is on the title and everything. :D I feel so grown up!

Volleyball is on hold for this week (WSU has spring break so the gym is unavailable) and has given me a plethora of things to do now that I have more time. Like posting to my blog! :) Au revior beautiful souls! :) So here are the pictures from these past days:

cold, snowy day Rocky? Poor snowballed dog! :))
Whatchya lookin' at?

My license! 

Bubba's & Padre's Birthdays! :)

Vball Tournament & Sushi Outing with Jordan and the Backus' :D

And then the prom pictures from mi madre! :)

Haley and I after our hair appt! Ha, boy did they do amazing! :)
My lover boy and I!
My boys and I :)
Corsages are so much easier than boutinierres!
How he asked :)

My boys :))

Oh, Tingey...
Best picture. Of all time.

G'bye for now my crazies. :)