Thursday, August 11, 2011

Garbldy Gook.

So...let's see how much we can fit into one blog post, shall we? :)
Most recently, we had a family trip to my grandma's in California. Got to spend lots of time with the family and even visit the beach; the definition of a great trip, really. Pictures below:
Beach trip!

My mommy and me - everyone else was too chicken to get out of the car because it was too cold. It wasn't even that cold! ;)

We stopped at the craziest kite and candy shop. A little pricy, but hey, who wouldn't pay for a bit more color in their life?

And now the family part :
I love mah momma!

I love mah grandma!

And I love my daddeh!

Photography opportunities:

MORE PICTURES TO COME - off to work, I'll add as soon as I'm home.

After California, it was a few days of hanging out with Jordan, Charlie, Haley, and the fam before volleyball tryouts. I made the team and we're working hard to make this season AH-MAZING! Oh, and if anyone would like cookie dough, get in touch. We have a pretty cool fundraiser going on right now!